Thursday, May 7, 2020

Heart Rate Variability ( Hrv ) - 1623 Words

Heart rate variability (HRV) is quickly becoming a â€Å"buzz word† in fitness, but in reality this is a very old technology. Dating back to at least 1948 (15) HRV has been a commonly used method in research and is an accepted diagnostic tool in several diseases/conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and type 2 diabetes (9, 23). HRV was, until recently, a tool that was confined to clinical and research settings, largely due to the prohibitively high cost of equipment. Recent advances in technology, particularly among heart rate monitors and smartphone-based apps, have now made this technology available to fitness professionals and health/fitness consumers. HRV is derived from mathematical properties of cardiac inter-beat intervals or what is referred to as a R-R interval. This inter-beat interval represents tiny changes in the timing (i.e. fractions of a second) from one heart beat to the next. Intuitively it would seem that a heart rate of 60 bpm would have exactly 1 second between each â€Å"beat.† It even seems reasonable that a very metronomic or steady heart rate would be indicative of health and/or fitness. In fact, just the opposite is true. A healthy cardiovascular control system will have a high level of complexity, or variability, while an aged, unfit or diseased system will show a loss of complexity or variability (21). HRV testing is an exquisitely sensitive tool that is capable of providing us with important health and fitness-based information acrossShow MoreRelatedHeart Rate Variability And Cognitive And Mind Body Therapies On Cardiovascular Conditions1514 Words   |  7 PagesHeart rate variability is defined as the variation in the interval between normal heart beats and provides an important non-invasive assessment of cardiac autonomic control. 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