Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cost Volume Profit Analysis Free Essays

THE USE OF COST-VOLUME-PROFIT ANALYSIS AS A MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR DECISION MAKING CASE STUDY OF NIGERIAN BREWERIES PLC TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION OF â€Å"COST VOLUME PROFIT ANALYSIS AS A MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR DECISION MAKING† 1. 1Background of study 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Cost Volume Profit Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Statement of the problem 3. Objectives of the study 4. Significance of the study 5. Research Questions 6. Research Hypothesis 7. Scope and Limitation of the study 8. Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO 2. LITERATURE REVIEW OF â€Å"COST VOLUME PROFIT ANALYSIS AS A MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR DECISION MAKING† . 1An Overview of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 2. Cost-Volume-Profit Limitations 3. Break-Even Analysis A Traditional View of the Cost-Volume-Profit Relation 4. Graphical Approach to break-even Analysis 5. Formular method of finding break point 6. The multi- product cost-volume-profit analysis 7. Decision making function 8. Other tools for decision making and control CHAPTER THREE 3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY OF â€Å"COST VOLUME PROFIT ANALYSIS AS A MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR DECISION MAKING† 3. 1Sources of data 2. Primary sources of data 1. Personal/Oral interview 2. Questionnaire method 3. Secondary sources of data 4. Population and sample size determination 5. Method of data collection 6. Method of validating the instrument 7. Method of data analysis CHAPTER FOUR 4. DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF â€Å"COST VOLUME PROFIT ANALYSIS AS A MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR DECISION MAKING† 4. 1Preliminary information 2. Data analysis 3. Testing and interpretation of hypothesis CHAPTER FIVE 5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF â€Å"COST VOLUME PROFIT ANALYSIS AS A MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR DECISION MAKING† 5. 1Summary of findings 2. Conclusions . 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